Master and Journeyman Plumbers are required to complete four (4) hours of continuing education each year. Prior to license renewal, applicants must have completed a total of 8 hours of continuing education. 

Georgia Plumbers’ Trade Association for Continuing Education (GPTA, Inc.) is a professional trade association that was established to provide plumbers with continuing education courses that are professionally taught and contain subject material that will help them in the daily operation of their business.

Each year GPTA conducts both live on-site classes at locations throughout the State and also offer on-line courses. These classes cover both technical and business subjects. The on-line classes are self-paced and can be taken on any computer, tablet or cell phone. 

Ron Anderson

Ron Anderson is President of the Georgia Plumbers’ Trade Association, Inc. which is an association with over 2600 members throughout Georgia. The membership is comprised of Plumbers, Conditioned Air Contractors, Builders and Inspectors.

Ron holds numerous certifications from the International Code Council (ICC). He has served as past Chairman and still serves as a member of the ICC Governing Committee for Plumbing, Mechanical and Fuel Gas Codes (PMG). He also served on the ICC Codes and Standards Committee as an advisor to the ICC Board of Directors. 

His involvement with the Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA) spans 20+ years. He has served on many committees actively involved in the adoption and revision of the Plumbing, Building, Energy, and other construction codes.